Salad Cream

Verb | sal∙ad cream

To make such a simple thing, typically an experiment, unbelievably complicated.


During an episode, Andrew makes the realization he never had salad cream before, a typical British salad dressing. He proceeds to order very nice salad cream from Ireland to try on the show. When trying the cream, instead of putting it on a simple salad, he builds a monstrous salad with dozens of ingredients. Geoff, Gavin, and Eric immediately object stating that he cannot fairly evaluate the salad cream, since there are too many variables changing at once. This is when it is learned Andrew has never had this salad before, so he cannot even fairly judge the salad. Thus, the experiment has been bungled. Not only this, but the fear is that Andrew can never try salad cream for the first time again, meaning his first impression was ruined. What was supposed to be such a simple experiment turned into an over complicated mess. Thus, Andrew Salad Creamed the experiment.


“You Salad Creamed that bad.”
“This is NOT another Salad Cream!”